1 to 4 Boys Black Trousers, Shirt in light blue, School Tie, School Belt, Socks in navy blue with light blue stripe and black shoes 5 to 10 Boys Pants in Black and other items as for standard 1 to 4.
1 to 4 Girls Black Pinnafore, shirt in light blue, School Tie, School Belt, Socks in navy blue with light blue stripe and black shoes. Hair with blue ribbon
5 to 10 Girls Black skirt, shirt in light blue, Black coat, School Tie, School Belt, Socks in navy blue with light blue stripe and black shoes. Hair with blue ribbon
+1 and +2 Boys Black Pants, light blue shirt, School Tie, School Belt, Socks in navy blue with light blue stripe and black shoes
+1 and +2 Girls Black Pants, light blue top, Black shawl, Socks in navy blue with lightblue stripe and black shoes